The Florida Political Chronicle
The Florida Political Chronicle is the twice-a-year peer-reviewed scholarly Journal of the Florida Political Science Association, published on-line with free access to serve the academic disciplines of Political Sciences and International Relations, practitioners, students and community in a balanced, analytical and non-partisan way.
The Florida Political Chronicle journal encourages scholarly submissions from all Political Sciences disciplines: American Politics, Theories, Comparative Politics, International Relations & Security, Diplomatic History, International Political Economy, Public Administration, International Law & Organizations. All topics are welcome.
1. Click Here to Access the CURRENT ISSUES (NOW! free at all Readers)
2. Click Here to Access Marco Rimanelli, ed., WORLD WAR I CENTENNIAL BOOK (free to all Readers)
3. Click Here to Access Special Issue--Book 2 Florida Government by John Bertalan 7th ed., vol. 29, n. 2--2023 Final Version (free to all Readers)
4. Click Here to Access Vol. 30, N.2 (2023)
5. Click Here to Access the RECENT ISSUES (NOW! free at all Readers)
6. Click Here to Access all ARCHIVED ISSUES, 1989-2009 (free to all Readers)
Please contact Editor Marco Rimanelli, Florida Political Chronicle, at [email protected]
Editor Marco Rimanelli, Ph.D.
Professor of Politics & International Studies
Social Sciences Department
MC-2127, P.O.-Box 6665
Saint Leo, Florida, 33574-6665, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Editor Marco Rimanelli, Ph.D.
Professor of Politics & International Studies
Social Sciences Department
MC-2127, P.O.-Box 6665
Saint Leo, Florida, 33574-6665, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail all Submissions (Essays or Book Reviews) as Attachments in WORD (NOT PDF) to the journal’s Editor Marco Rimanelli, Ph.D. of Saint Leo University at [email protected] for consideration (:
DISCLAIMER: All interpretations, opinions or conclusions printed in the Florida Political Chronicle are solely those of the author/s and should not be attributed to or considered to be reflective of an institutional position by either the Florida Political Sciences Association (FPSA) and its Officers, or by Saint Leo University, its Board of Trustees, officers and staff, or any organization and individuals supporting either the FPSA or Saint Leo University as institutions.
- Essays & Book Reviews in Word (12 Font, single-space, in Calibri or Times Roman) not PDF
- Essay length: single-space from minimum 5/6 pages to maximum length of 50+ pages at 1-inch margins with Abstract, Bibliography, Footnotes, Graphs/Tables/Maps and 1-paragraph Author’s Bio.
- Book Review length: single-spaced, 2-to-10+ pages-long in Word with 1-inch margins, with Bibliography & 1-paragraph Author’s Bio. Reviews of either 1 book or compare several books.
- Footnotes (10 Font) at end of each page (in Calibri or Times Roman) in Chicago Manual of Style, but accepted also APA, or others, if the author has already a finished work for review.
- Abstract (a long-paragraph; no library reference codes).
- Maps/Graphs/Tables/photos in the text or as Appendixes (use 11 or 12 Font to make it fit) must fit the same vertical format with around 1-inch margin--No landscape-size Tables! Must fit in a standard paper page portrait-size! Photos can be sent separately for inclusion. I will reformat all work, but it helps if it fits initially.
- Bibliography (10 Font, single-space); preferred Manual of Chicago Style, or other styles accepted.
- Author’s Biography at end (a long-paragraph with Ph.D. & M.A. Degrees, position & publications.
- Do not use First Person (“I”); instead please use neutral: “This study” or “This work” or “The author”.
- Do not use colloquial contractions, like: don’t, it’s, can’t, won’t, etc.
- “2 Blind Peer Reviews” scholarly process (yes, I have 2 blind mice!) and those accepted for publication will incorporate editorial modification and suggested changes by Reviewers.
- Best Graduate Student Paper Award & Best Undergraduate Student Paper Award reviewed by committee. Both Award Winners and any Alternate Best Papers will be published.
DISCLAIMER: All interpretations, opinions or conclusions printed in the Florida Political Chronicle are solely those of the author/s and should not be attributed to or considered to be reflective of an institutional position by either the Florida Political Sciences Association (FPSA) and its Officers, or by Saint Leo University, its Board of Trustees, officers and staff, or any organization and individuals supporting either the FPSA or Saint Leo University as institutions.